Friday, June 20, 2008

Mary, Mary quite contrary, how does your garden grow?

Quite well, apparently, especially when we've had entirely too much rain followed by some nice warm (dare I even call it hot?) weather.

I posted pictures of our new garden on my May 29 entry. The lettuce was doing well then but everything else was either not sprouted our my tiny, newly planted tomato plants. Well, here's the difference a few weeks can make....

Everything has sprouted!

These are the green beans (the smaller garden box at the top of the pic is our herbs).

Squash (something makes me think I'm going to have WAY more squash than I can deal with!)

My tomato plants are growing growing growing!

Two tiny little banana peppers!

And the sweet little blossom that promises me some red, juicy tomatoes will be coming soon......yummy.

By the way, for you photography buffs, did I get some good bokeh in those last two pics? I'm still shooting with my P&S (it does have manual settings).....I'd dearly love to upgrade to a DSLR, just have to convince my hubby it's worth the money.


Heather - Hopelessly Flawed said...

I know nothing about photography but I think the pics look great! And so do your veggies - yum!

Tracy said...

Great job - love your garden!