Thursday, July 31, 2008

A note to my tomato plants

Dear Tomato plants,

I have planted you, lovingly watered you, given you a nice cage to support your growth and pulled the weeds from around you.

Would it be too much to ask for one itsy bitsy teeny weeny ripe red tomato?

I can see that you have been working hard, as I can count approximately 1.5 million green tomatoes on your vines.

I have suffered major mosquito bites in my almost-daily venture into your leafy midst to see if any of those green tomatoes are starting to ripen. At this point I'd be happy to even see that they are starting to turn red.

Just to prove that you've tortured me enough, these are things I have done within the past two days:

1) Have woken up from a dream involving a hamburger and me slicing a ripe, juicy tomato on top of it
2) Have walked down to my mom's house and helped myself to a ripe tomato from her garden
3) Have refused to share said stolen tomato with anyone else because I wanted the whole thing for myself.

So, in closing, my dear tomatoes.....if you could see fit to turn red anytime soon.....well, I'd really appreciate it.


Your tomato-crazed caretaker,


1 comment:

Tracy said...

LMBO - well mine are what is your problem?