Wednesday, July 16, 2008

A personal best!

First of all, my blogging has been totally lax lately.....SORRY! We've just been too busy enjoying summer activities. It seems like by the time I round the kids up from a hard day of playing outside, clean them up and get them off to bed.....I'm just too tired to do anything but go to bed myself. (Is that a sign I'm getting old?)

I did want to share that I achieved a "personal best" this week.

You see.....I'm a "sort of"runner. I say that because I never ran a step until college....when one of my roommates coerced me into doing a little running. She even convinced me to do a 20K race (for those of you who don't do the metric system that would be 12.4 miles) one time and I lived through it!

I ran a bit after college, then pretty much took my mid-to-late 20s off from running to have my babies. But now my "baby" is 3.5 years old and for the last year I've been back into running again. I've done a few 5Ks (3.1 miles) and a couple 10Ks (6.2 miles) and even repeated that 20K in June.

On Saturday night I ran Midnight Madness in Ames, IA. It's typically the HOTTEST night of the year (last year when I ran the 5K it was over 95 degrees when the race started) but this year it was absolutely gorgeous, unseasonably cool weather. It was about 70 degrees when the race started and fell into the mid-60s by the end.

I ran the 10K this year and finished in a personal best time of 56:48. Prior to that my best time was 1:01:25.

And now my "sort of" being a runner may just turn into being an actual runner. You know...the kind who thinks maybe she should run a full marathon this fall.

I'll keep you updated......


Melanie said...

congrats, jaci!!

i think you should totally do the marathon! :)

Heather - Hopelessly Flawed said...

That is AWESOME Jaci! I'm so happy for you!

Tracy said...

YAY - good for you!!! You are one hot, smokin' runnin' Mama!