Wednesday, October 15, 2008

I'm *SO* not ready for this!!!!

Well, we're about 2 months into the school year now. Natalie loves Kindergarten and I'm amazed (almost daily!) at the ways she's growing and changing. Everything from her pictures to handwriting to independence has improved since school started.

And she's making lots of new friends. Mostly boys (this is the part I'm not ready for!);

Here's a scenario or two of a typical day when I pick Natalie up from school.

SCENARIO 1: We walk out of school and down the block during which time at least 4 or 5 little boys say, "Bye Natalie!." or "See you tomorrow Natalie!" Some of them shout out the bus windows as we walk past, others are walking like us and one little boy even rolled down the window of the van as his mom was driving past.

SCENARIO 2: Natalie comes marching out of school with a boy carrying her backpack and lunchbox for her.

After one of the days where it was numerous little boys saying their "byes", Naty and I had the following conversation:

Me: So, do you have lots of boyfriends? (said in a teasing tone)
N: No mom! (in annoyed voice)
Me: Just lots of friends?
N: Yeah, all the boys like me.

LOL! I think I can feel my hair turning gray.


Sarah said...

I can so relate. Riley is always telling us how she spends recess chasing the boys. LOL

Tracy said...

Oh yikes - it is starting already! Good luck with that!

Heather - Hopelessly Flawed said...

LOL! Well at least she knows how to make good use of it - making them carry her bag and all!