Friday, August 8, 2008

Top 10 signs you're running a lot (too much?)

So I'm training for my first marathon on October 19. I'm 8 weeks into an 18-week training program and each week my mileage keeps creeping up.

It started out pretty easy....I run 4 days a week (Tues, Wed, Thurs and a long run on Saturday). So the first few weeks had me running 3 miles on Tues and Thurs and 5 miles on Wednesday with longer Saturday runs ranging from 6-10 miles.

Now I'm up to 4 miles on Tues and Thurs with 7 miles on Wed with my Saturday runs going from 11 miles and up (so far my longest has been 14, but I'm facing runs up to 20 miles long in the coming weeks!).

So....I'm sure you can see that my life is slowly being consumed by running. I decided to compose a "Top 10 List" for your enjoyment. Here it is!


10 - You generate enough laundry to justify an entire load of nasty sweaty clothes and use the special "workout clothes" setting on your washer

9 - Running 3 or 4 miles is like having a day off and requires no special preparation other than tossing on running clothes and shoes and heading out the door.

8 - Running a "long run" takes most of a morning and requires items such as a hydration belt with 40+ oz. of fluid, food/snacks for along the run to keep energy up and a cell phone in case you get lost or so far from home it requires someone to come pick you up.

7 - Vaseline doesn't cut it anymore and you purchase a special "body glide" stick to reduce chafing in sensitive areas.

6 - You experience chafing in areas you didn't know rubbed together

5 - You have 2-3 pairs of running shoes to rotate between, the "almost worn out" pair, the "just right" pair and the "sorta new and still breaking them in" pair

4 - On your long run days you're so hungry you eat as much as you did when pregnant/nursing.

3 - You can mentally plot out at least 5-6 running routes around your town that will take you from 4-15 miles.

2 - You've considered popping in to a corn field to relieve yourself after a little "too much" hydrating yourself (no, I have not done this....yet!)

1 - You start to live for experiencing the next "runner's high" and pushing your limits even further to work toward your goal!

1 comment:

Melanie said...

keep up the good work, jaci!

my best friend got married this weekend. she's a runner as are most of us bridesmaids.

we used glide around our heels and toes so that we would not get blisters from our 3" heels!! they still hurt like a beast, but no blisters!!